Thursday, February 26, 2009

Favourite quotation

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

This is a favourite quote of mine, and in the past few years I've strived to live my life by its words. It was taken from a speech given by Theodore Roosevelt, and i was just reminded of it while watching the Renzo Gracie documentary "Legacy".

Saturday, February 14, 2009


So I took Hae Kyoung for a haircut today at Hera in Chatswood, which is currently my Korean hair salon of choice. Maria who always cuts my hair did HK's today. As aways, the outcome was really good, as I would expect, after learning today that she has 11 years of experience. For a $22 haircut, thats a pretty sweet deal.

We went for dinner after at a Japanese Izakaya style restaurant in Neutral Bay called Totoya.

I love izakaya style informal dining with small dishes and ice cold beer. We ordered seaweed salad, entree sashimi, pickle fried rice, deep fried flounder and an assortment of skewers. The food was good, though in my opinion a little over-priced. I was also surprised that they charged me $1 for a small saucer of mayo!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Photo Credits

So as to avoid a law suit, I have to credit the big and beautiful header pic of myself to Geraldine Wee.

It was taken during her New Years holiday to Sydney, on a particularly drunken and scandalous night out on the town. I have to say I really like that pic, Ive been using it everywhere. hahaha.


Today was a crazy day at work. Bad weather meant that guests mostly stayed in their rooms and ordered room service, which meant I had orders coming out my nose. After surviving the ordeal and coming out on top, i was prety pleased with my days efforts. So i came home happily only to realise at my doorstep that i had dropped my keys. :( fukitol!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Work the line

Haha. Anthony Bourdain and the legendary Eric Ripert working the line. F***in hilarious.

La Blogotheque on Youtube

I recently discovered this Youtube channel called La Blogotheque, and I'm addicted. Some of todays most interesting bands playing their music out on the streets, on the move. Watching these videos I just cant help but smile. Here are some of my favourites.

Beirut - Nantes

Bon Iver - For Emma

Architecture in Helsinki - Heart it races

Priscilla Ahn - Dream

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Yellow Bistro

I've heard alot about ex-Rockpool pastry chef Lorraine Godsmark and the perfect pastries and tarts she makes at Yellow Bistro in Potts Point, so I decided to check it out. I went at about 4pm on a Friday, as they were getting setup for dinner service.

Unfortunately I missed out on her famous date tarts, but this very pretty tart caught my eye.
For $8 (if I remember correctly) a slice, it was fairly pricey, but it was a very good tart, and worth the price. A beautiful crisp puff pastry with almond frangipane filling topped with poached pears, cherries, almond flakes and dusted with icing sugar. It was served with rich double cream and was awesome.


I've been thinking alot recently about my life here in Sydney; all the decisions, sacrifices and opportunities that have transpired to put me here. While I think now that my decision to uproot and seek a new life in Sydney was a tad hasty, I still believe it was the right decision.

My career was going nowhere, and my love life was a joke. I needed a way out. While I would have prefered to have been able to support my move, I knew never to turn down an offer to help. Coming to Sydney allowed me the opportunity to venture on my own and seek a better life for myself. I feel sad sometimes that I don't get to see my family and life back home has moved on without me. I have missed important dates and events, friends have gotten married, some have children, while I regret my not being there, I am also happy that things have turned out well for them.

I have settled here. Work is hard and tiring, but I am happy. I see a purpose for all the hard work, and I have a dream that I want to pursue.

Never give up, never surrender.